Understanding Goals

Buy Land

Set Your Wages

Pricing and Quality
The last thing you need to do is set your prices, depending on the goal you either want to increase or decrease your prices & quality. You’ll sell less with higher quality products but you’ll make more money. If your goal is to sell more products then set your quality to budget & lower your prices.

Let’s Make A Deck!
Let’s take a look at the type of cards you’ll see in the Deck Builder:

5 Quick Cards
These cards can be used multiple times in a game but come with a cooldown timer after each use.

5 Boost Cards Including 1 HQ Card
Use these powerful cards carefully, they can only be used once per match.
The 5th chosen boost card will automatically become an HQ card. You only get one of these and for a good reason too. This card has the ability to affect all businesses at once! Choose the most advantageous time to use it though as it is also a once-per-match card.

If you like giving your business a leg up, add more advantage cards to your deck. But if you like causing havoc to your opponent’s business then make sure to load up on adversity cards.
Research and Development

Marketing Boosts
Some businesses allow for purchasing of marketing boosts, this will be the fourth thing you want to set. There are 2 marketing boosts available per business rank, which can only be applied individually. Keep these boosts active whenever possible for better marketing penetration.

Give your Employees a boost of morale
Give your employees a boost as often as you can. Doing so makes the employees happy, and a happy employee makes you more money!

How to Play Cards
Focus on Advantage quick cards as they will give you the upper hand when getting your businesses started. Adversity quick cards can severely hinder other players so go on the attack and drop them on businesses to shake off the competition. Lastly boosted cards are the most powerful and effective cards in the game, you can only use these once per match so figure out the best time to do so and reap big rewards or bring chaos to your opponent’s business.

Don’t let your business go into disrepair

Pay off Maintenance as soon as it occurs, always apply an employee boost afterwards. If you do not have enough money to repair your business, transfer money from other successful businesses. The longer you wait to fix your business the less money it will make you.
Don’t be afraid to experiment
During downtimes when all your businesses are running fine, play around with Wages and Prices to see if you can squeeze out a bit more Revenue / Sales. As the shared market settles you will want to check on your marketing, prices, and wages to find the optimal settings.